Saturday, May 08, 2010

An Evening Note To My Friend

In your blue eyes are sparks of love, like I felt that chilly morning of 22nd January 2005.
Your presence is sweeter than the fragrance of my best cologne; of course brighter than a bunch of hibiscus.
Your arms so protective, shielding me from the cares of this world, and the worries of the future.
Your words are soft like a fountain of water in the desert…
Let me always be the….
…you prayed for.
Do not be afraid of me even on money matters…because I mean well for you.
Do not hide your love from me…show me some care.
Do not compare me; I am the best for you.
Appreciate me; for that is the food of my love.
Fight this battle (health) with me; for our victory is near.
What more can I ask for my friend?
You’re the best thing that can happen to any woman on planet earth….
- Desire.

Who says a brother cannot use some re-assurances? Those were the thoughts of my wife last night before dinner. You bet we had a great night.

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