Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The American News channel: ABC News, recently interviewed Rick Warren on the success of his best-selling book “The Purpose Driven Life”. It has been discovered that it is the most-sold book ever-written with additional monthly sales of a million copies (till date). It is commendable to note that he has not bought a new home or car from the revenue of the book-sales. He has simply committed the profits to various foundations, charities and church work. In his words: “if I got the blessing from being what I am now – why change it?”

From the Scriptures’ standpoint – it is clear that ‘what you do will never be as important as who you are’. It is also a foundational truth that we are human-beings and not human-doings, which underscores the need to give attention to our state of being. However, this state is better evaluated in relation to other beings.

Your identity – “who you are” is often defined in relation to your family, work, sport, country of residence, professional discipline, marital status, to mention a few. For example, Mrs. B.K. Akinrin could be identified as a widowed-mother of three or Head teacher of Jamat-islamiyya, Michael Jordan is often identified as an all-time NBA Megastar. A Nigerian student would be referred to as an international student while in the United Kingdom for his postgraduate study or identified as an investment strategist, if he so chooses the professional discipline. These identities do not exactly define who you are but give hints to what and who you closely relate with and by extension, give you an identity.

This association clearly underscores the need for you to give adequate attention to the inter-relating factors at work, home, sport or country of residence. These factors would be indispensable to your later-success in life. ‘Relationships’ not just know-how will determine the amount of success you enjoy later in life – so watch out! If everyone you hope to meet in life is just four persons away from you – you will do well to nurture your immediate contacts because you might just need them in later life.

A Software Developer can make his first N100,000 as a savvy whiz-kid. An architect can make his first million Dollars with great designs but he will get the $100million job only by relationship. You can get your first break in career and business by what you know, but to build an enterprise and sustain it – the final word is ‘who do you know?’

As you move on in life, get something from each day rather than just going through it! Do not over-concentrate on past experiences or future possibilities; make each day count at work, home, sport and country, because you will need it to build your empire in the future. Your identity is redefined as you gain more experience. Never forget that future success is not rational, and success may not proceed in a rational manner from your good performance. If identity is relational – Manage your identity!


At 9:07 AM , Blogger Albert Afolabi said...

am really glad that finally i got your blog addy. you are a great writer and i always could feel your personality in all your articles. for this piece, i can only say God bless you.

albert afolabi


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